My name is Sergio. I’m just a regular individual who performs regular work in a regular town.

Before we go any further, I am NOT a therapist or any sort of medical professional. I have no qualifications to provide any advice, much less professional counseling. I’m just trying to find my way in the world while dealing with the challenge of general anxiety, especially in social settings. This is combined with various phobias.

My purpose here is to share my journey, and provide information, links to tools and resources that would help others who may be facing the same types of challenges as me. Sometimes it’s very pleasant to know someone else out there goes through selfsame complications as you – that you aren’t “crazy” or facing it all alone. I’m here for me and I’m here for you. You are also here for me simply by visiting my site. That’s how we get through this thing called life – together.

Welcome to my blog and my journey. It’s an honor to have you here!